Considerations on SEC(2008)83 - Draft Decision No 2/2007 of the EC-EFTA Joint Committee on common transit amending the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure - Draft common position of the EC

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2. In accordance with the Decision No 4/2005 of the EC-EFTA Joint Committee 'common Transit' of 15 August 2005, operators should use the computerised common transit system of common transit to lodge the transit declarations since 1 July 2005 with a period of transition allowing the lodging of the transit declaration made in writing to the customs authorities until 31 December 2006,

3. Transit declarations for the standard procedure should be lodged using computer methods instead of using declarations made in writing and the transit data is then exchanged between customs authorities using information technology and computer networks.

4. The provisions on the common transit procedure have to be amended in line with the specifics of the procedure using an electronic data-processing technique.

5. Travellers who cannot directly access the customs' computerised transit system should be able to lodge for the standard procedure a transit declaration made in writing with the customs authorities. The transit data is then exchanged between customs authorities using information technology and computer networks.

6. In order to allow operators to carry out transit operations in the event that the customs' computerised transit systems or the computer system of the principal including authorised consignors fail or the communication networks are unavailable, a fallback procedure based on the use of a transit declaration made in writing has to be set up.

7. The procedure of computerised transit being the standard procedure and the written transit declaration having the fallback procedure as its principal function, the contents and the order of the annexes relating to these procedures have been modified. In addition, for the sake of simplification, annexes relating to the models of the single administrative document and to their use are suppressed and are replaced by references to the Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods of 20 May 1987 'SAD' convention. This makes it possible to avoid the amendments of the convention on 'Common transit' induced by the successive changes which can be made to the 'SAD' Convention.

8. Therefore the Convention should be amended accordingly.