Considerations on COM(2007)680 - Repeal of Council Decision 85/368/EEC on the comparability of vocational training qualifications between the Member States of the EC

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table>(1)Community policies on better regulation stress the importance of the simplification of national and Community legislation as a crucial element in improving the competitiveness of undertakings and in achieving the objectives of the Lisbon Agenda.
(2)Implementation of Council Decision 85/368/EEC (3) has not been effective in achieving the comparability of vocational qualifications for the benefit of workers seeking employment in another Member State.

(3)The methods and approach used to describe and compare qualifications provided for in Decision 85/368/EEC differ from those currently applied in education and training systems.

(4)Decision 85/368/EEC is superseded by the adoption of the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (4).

(5)Decision 85/368/EEC should therefore be repealed,