Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2019)325 - Proposal from the President of the Commission for a COUNCIL DECISION on the non-replacement of Members of the Commission

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Brussels, 2.7.2019

COM(2019) 325 fma,

Proposal from the President of the Co

m m i ss i o n for a


on the non~replacement of IVIem

bers of the C

o m mission



roposal from the President of the Uom mission for a


on the non-replacement of IVIembers of the Commission


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Artie,e 246 , third paragraph, thereof,

Having regard to the Tr e aty establishing the European Ato mic Energy Com muni ty, and in p a rt i c u I a r Article 1 06 a, first paragraph, thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the President of the European Commission,

i e r e a s .

(1 ) Following the elections to the European Parliament, V ice_Presi dent A n s i p and

Commissioner Cre^u have resigned from the Commission, with effect from 1 Juiy

2019, in order to take up the seats in the Luropean Parliament to which they were e I e cte d.

In accordance with Arti cle 246 of the Tre aty on the Functioning of the European Union, the Council may decide, on a proposal from the President of the Commission, not to fill a vacancy in the Commission, in particular when the remainder of the M ember sterm of off ice is short.

From the day the resignation takes effect the remainder of the term of the current Commission will be four months. A replacement for such a short period of the M embers of the Commission who have resigned does not appear necessary, taking into account the practice of the Commission to work in Project Teams, ensuring the involvement of several M embers of the Commission in all files, and the disproportionate financial burden it would entail.

In those circumstances, it is appropriate not to fill the vacancies in the Commission

caused by the resignations of Vice-President Ansip and Commissioner Cre^u.

This decision is without prejudice to the composition of the Commission as of the beginning ofthe new mandate.


Article 1

The vacancies caused in the European Commission by the resignation of M r A n s i p and

Ms Cre^u need not be filled.


Article 2

This Decis ion shall enter into force on the clay following that of its publication in the Off! cia I Jo u r n a I of the IE u ro pea n U n i o n.

Done at Brussels, 2 July 2019

Fa r the Council Th e President