Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2015)615 - Approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States as regards the accessibility requirements for products and services

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


This explanatory memorandum presents in further detail the proposal for a new Directive aiming at the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States as regards the accessibility requirements of products and services.

At present, economic operators are confronted with divergent, and often contradictory, national accessibility requirements preventing them from benefitting from the internal market potential.

The proposed Directive supports Member States to achieve their national commitments as well as their obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) 1 regarding accessibility.

Accessibility is at the heart of the UNCRPD, to which the EU is a party together with 25 of its Member States. 2 It is one of the priorities of the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 3 that sets actions for the implementation of the UNCRPD at EU level. Accessibility prevents or removes barriers to the use of mainstream products and services. It allows the perception, operation and understanding of those products and services by persons with functional limitations, including people with disabilities, 4 on an equal basis with others.

1.1.Objectives and context of the Proposal

The proposal aims to contribute to improve the proper functioning of the internal market and remove and prevent barriers for the free movement of accessible products and services.

The demand for accessible products and services is high and the number of citizens with disabilities and/or functional limitations will increase significantly with the ageing of the European Union's population. Taking into account demographic ageing, it is expected that in 2020 approximately 120 million persons in the European Union will have multiple and/or minor disabilities. Improving the functioning of the internal market for specific accessible products and services, serves both the needs of these consumers and industry. An environment where products and services are more accessible allows for more inclusion and participation of citizens in society. It supports independent living and autonomous choice. It also contributes to the application of the principle of equal treatment in the access to goods and services by persons with disabilities. 5

Differences in legislation, standards and guidelines on accessibility exist and are very likely to increase as Member States develop new accessibility rules. This is a consequence of the entry into force of the UNCRPD for the EU and the majority of the Member States, as well as the general character of its provisions, which are open to different interpretations and practices when they are implemented at national level. An example of divergent rules is the case of Web accessibility, where Member States use different versions of the W3C/WCAG guidelines, another is the Audio Visual Media services where different standards are used for subtitles and audio description. Furthermore changes in EU legislation making accessibility compulsory in general terms without providing a definition like in the case of the Public Procurement Directives will have a similar effect.

The non-harmonised national approaches to accessibility create barriers in the internal market. Suppliers that operate cross-border would face additional production costs to comply with divergent accessibility rules. Competition, competitiveness and economic growth are hampered because enterprises, SMEs in particular, may lack the know-how and capacity to cope with learning and putting in action all the different national requirements and procedures. Consequently, it is important to include SMEs in the scope of this proposal as otherwise their products and services could be considered as second-rate or sub-quality.

National authorities, manufacturers and services providers face uncertainties concerning the accessibility requirements for potential cross-border services, and concerning the applicable policy framework for accessibility.

The described situation demonstrates the need to act and to ensure the free movement of products and services, by defining and using common accessibility requirements for the selected products and services and by using the same requirements for EU legislation that establishes general obligations on accessibility. This will contribute to increase competition among industry. The proposal aims at lowering and preventing barriers to cross-border trade.

Harmonisation of national measures on accessibility is being proposed as a necessary condition to put an end to the legislative divergence.

1.2.Technical background

Manufacturers and service providers worldwide currently use different approaches to comply with accessibility requirements whenever they do produce/provide products and services with specific accessibility features. These approaches sometimes rely on national or international standards; most of the time without harmonisation of standards between regions or countries.

A number of accessibility standards are under development at European level following standardisation requests by the European Commission to the European standardisation organisations (ESO). These standardisation requests (non-legislative actions) invited ESOs to align the development of voluntary European standards to global developments. The requests relevant to accessibility are: M/376 6 (2005) on ICT which resulted in a European standard EN 301 549 7 adopted in February 2014; M/420 8 (2007) on built environment and M/473 9 on mainstreaming accessibility following a 'design for all' approach in the European standardisation. These standardisation requests were issued after a positive opinion of the Member States in the Committee set up by Article 5 of Directive 98/34/EC and invite the ESOs to develop certain voluntary accessibility standards and to review, when possible, existing standards to give better guidance concerning “design for all” principles.

This requested voluntary European standardisation work is lengthy and in the absence of European standards it is possible that national standardisation work will occur. Therefore voluntary European standardisation will need to be underpinned by regulatory intervention to achieve the intended European wide harmonisation. The functional accessibility requirements set in the Directive are given in terms of general objectives. One of the ways to assess conformity with those requirements is by applying voluntary harmonised standards that are adopted in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on European Standardisation. 10

The European standards resulting from the above-mentioned requests, or any other suitable existing European standards, should be used in this initiative as a basis for those harmonised standards to provide presumption of conformity with accessibility requirements.

1.3.Policy background

The main aim of this Directive is to improve the functioning of the internal market for accessible products and services. This is well in line with President Juncker’s Political guidelines for 'the next Commission to build on the strength of our single market and to fully exploit its potential in all its dimensions'. This Directive will also contribute to implement the 2015 Commission Work Programme 11 which reiterates the Commission’s commitment to accessibility as a catalyst for social inclusion: “The European Commission is committed to equality of opportunity for people with disabilities, in full respect of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This includes accessibility to the physical environment, transportation, information and communications technologies and systems (ICT) and other facilities/services.”

Article 9 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities obliges the EU and Member States, to the extent of its competences, as parties to the Convention, to take appropriate measures to ensure accessibility. Article 3 refers to accessibility as a general principle of the Convention that should be considered in relation to the enjoyment of the rights and fundamental freedoms stated in the Convention.

The legal character of the obligations on accessibility under the UN CRPD is confirmed in the General Comment on Article 9 of the Convention on Accessibility 12 issued by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in April 2014. It states that "State parties are obliged to adopt, promulgate and monitor national accessibility standards […]. State parties should undertake a comprehensive review of the laws on accessibility in order to identify, monitor and address gaps in legislation and its implementation". It further states that 'State parties should establish a legislative framework with specific, enforceable, time-bound benchmarks for monitoring and assessing the gradual modification and adjustment by private entities of their previously inaccessible services into accessible ones. State parties should also ensure that all newly procured goods and other services are fully accessible for persons with disabilities.'

The commitment to a barrier-free Europe was renewed in 2010 in the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020. This strategy was drawn up in line with the UNCRPD. EU action supports and supplements national activities for implementing accessibility and removing existing barriers.

Accessibility is included in several EU initiatives. Some detailed accessibility requirements are foreseen in EU legislation related to specific products or services, or sectors. Others, such as the Public Procurement Directives and the European Structural and Investment Funds Regulations have a general accessibility requirement (first in the 2007-2013 period, and even more reinforced provisions in the 2014-2020 period). However, a common definition of accessibility at European level is lacking.

In the accompanying Action Plan 2010-2015 13 to the European Disability Strategy, under the specific objective of preventing, identifying and eliminating obstacles and barriers to accessibility, the Commission committed itself to prepare a European Accessibility Act setting out a general accessibility framework in relation to products and services.

1.4.Consistency with other policies and objectives of the Union

In many cases, EU legislation addresses the situation of persons with disabilities with a focus on a specific area. This is the case of the Passenger Rights Regulations for all modes of transport (air, rail, waterborne, bus and coach) that focus on non-discrimination and the provision of assistance for persons with reduced mobility when using transport. 14 There is also EU legislation concerning the accessibility of passenger transport vehicles, such as low platform buses 15 , rail rolling stock 16 and waterborne 17 and there are technical standards ensuring the accessibility of vehicles for different transport modes. Their scope of application will not be affected by this proposal. Nevertheless, the improved accessibility of transport which this initiative will bring about may facilitate the provision of assistance and/or reduce its need and related costs.

This proposal is in synergy with the proposal for a Directive on the accessibility of public sector bodies' websites 18 , which covers a specific set of public sector bodies' websites offering specific services. This initiative complements that proposal by addressing some private sector websites. Together, they contribute the realisation of an inclusive e-society put forward in the Digital Single Market Strategy by ensuring the accessibility of websites from providers of basic services to citizens. To ensure that responsible authorities have to implement the same accessibility specifications independent of the type of website, the web-accessibility requirements used in this proposed Directive are identical to those of the proposal for a Directive on the accessibility of public sector bodies' websites.

By defining requirements for accessibility, the proposal would clarify the accessibility obligations of EU legislation establishing obligations on accessibility without providing requirements or specification, for example in the field of public procurement or European Structural and Investment Funds.

It will therefore apply to these initiatives without amending them, despite their different objectives and legal basis, having the benefit of detailing further what is understood by accessibility, contributing to improved legal certainty.

Future legislation with accessibility obligations could reflect the common accessibility requirements of this initiative improving coherence in the internal market.

Furthermore, the concept of active ageing promoted by the European Commission during the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity Between Generations in 2012 highlighted the importance of creating accessible or “age-friendly environments” to enable people to live an independent life in the local community for as long as possible. Accessibility is one of its essential components. Given the strong correlation between disability and ageing, 19 accessibility is essential for older persons to remain active, live independently and contribute to the silver economy. 20

At international level, the US has a wide framework of accessibility legislation, often with detailed compulsory standards and rules. 21 Therefore, and as expressed by several stakeholders (from the ICT industry in particular), the proposal aims to bring coherence between provisions applicable in US and EU rules, given the global character of some products and services. This aim will be facilitated by the standardisation work done under standardisation request M/376. 22 This EU initiative on accessibility could set a framework where accessibility standards developed with a global view could help to create a transatlantic market.

This proposal would foster the effective application of other standards related to accessibility and stemming from the Commission’s standardisation requests M/376, M/420 and M/473.


2.1.Consultations with interested parties

Numerous public consultations and studies were carried out to identify problems and needs, addressing Member States, industry and civil society (consumers including those with disabilities):

– Online public consultation with a view to a European Accessibility Act (2012) 23 ;

– Eurobarometer on Accessibility (2012) 24 ;

– SME Panel conducted through Enterprise Europe Network (2012) 25 ;

– Direct consultations and meetings with representatives of major civil society organisations, including those representing people with disabilities, of industries and of European industry associations; among these there was a High-Level Dialogue on Growth and Accessibility hosted by Vice-President of the European Commission, Viviane Reding (December 2013);

– 5th Disability High Level Group (Member States' experts group) Report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities 26 ;

– Study on the socio-economic impact of new measures to improve accessibility of products and services for people with disabilities (2013) 27 ;

– Studies on accessibility legislation in the 27 Member States and enforcement in the EU by the Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED) (2012) 28 .

2.2.Impact assessment

An Impact Assessment Steering Group, led by the Directorate-General for Justice, was established with a wide representation of services and departments of the Commission.

Five policy options were discarded at an early stage of the impact assessment process, as being either unrealistic, unable to meet the objectives or disproportionate.

A preliminary screening showed that this EU initiative should only cover selected priority areas, where obstacles to the functioning of the single market were most visible and likely to increase or where action at European level would add more value. The following four options were retained for further impact analysis:

Option 1: No further action at EU level (baseline scenario).

Option 2: EU Recommendation defining common accessibility requirements for the selected products and services, as well as, in the area of public procurement. This option addresses the problem in the baseline scenario by including accessibility requirements which may be applied to a defined list of products and services and to public procurement processes.

Option 3: EU Directive defining common accessibility requirements for the selected products and services, as well as, in the area of public procurement - applicable to the Member States when they regulate on accessibility. Under this option, Member States will not be required to legislate on accessibility requirements by a given date, but if they do or have already done so, they will have to follow EU rules in order to ensure consistency across the single market. All Member States will have to ensure the free circulation of accessible products and services, even if they do not regulate on accessibility, and to use common accessibility requirements in public procurement processes.

Option 4: EU Directive defining common accessibility requirements for the selected products and services, as well as in the area of public procurement – immediately applicable to all Member States. This option requires all Member States, including those which have not yet legislated on accessibility, to introduce new legislation on accessibility in accordance with the EU rules proposed. It fully harmonises accessibility rules across all Member States.

Regulatory intervention appeared to be the most efficient form of EU intervention for tackling current and expected problems in the functioning of the single market. A Directive in particular was found to be in line with the approach taken in previous Commission Communications and instruments and would ensure the unobstructed circulation of accessible products and services without going beyond what is necessary.

The Impact Assessment report, prepared by the European Commission services, received a positive opinion from the Impact Assessment Board after careful examination. The final version of the Impact Assessment incorporates the changes made to address the Impact Assessment Board's recommendations.


3.1.Legal basis

Article 114(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

3.2.Subsidiarity Principle

The subsidiarity principle applies insofar as the issues addressed by this proposal do not fall under the exclusive competence of the EU. According to Article 4(2) a) and g) of the TFEU, respectively, the areas of internal market and transport are areas of shared competence between the Union and the Member States.

There is a need for EU action, since Member States alone cannot tackle the problem, as it entails transnational aspects that cannot be dealt with by individual Member States’ actions. There are obstacles to the normal functioning of the internal market – both in the sense of present barriers to trade and in the sense of barriers to the development of the full potential of the internal market. National differences in approach put burdens and barriers on companies that seek to interact across borders.

The problems caused by the divergence of national legislations on accessibility requirements, which is likely to increase with Member States implementation of their accessibility obligations under the UNCRPD, can only be tackled effectively through a common approach at EU level. Only a coherent legal framework will allow the free flow of accessible products and services in the internal market, as is confirmed by stakeholders' consultations.

Action at EU level would respect the principle of subsidiarity by focusing on those products and services for which there is clear evidence of a significant internal market problem – because different national requirements create obstacles to trade. Hence there is the need to address it at EU level. Member States would continue to be fully responsible for regulating the accessibility requirements of other products and services.

EU action will add value to national accessibility legislation by creating rules that will ensure the free movement of accessible products and services in the internal market and promoting a more efficient use of resources. Member States must accept products and services exported from another Member State when complying with the accessibility requirements of the proposed Directive. Ensuring this free movement will have positive economic effects. By creating a level playing field for economic operators and preventing fragmentation of the internal market, the proposal will create legal certainty and offer economic operators an expanded market in which to sell their products and services. As a further benefit, consumers with functional limitations, including persons with disabilities and older persons, will benefit from a wider choice of accessible products and services, with better quality and at lower prices: a triple win.

3.3.Proportionality Principle

Regarding proportionality, the content and form of the proposed action does not exceed what is necessary to achieve the goal of ensuring the proper functioning of the internal market.

The timing provided for implementation takes account of product life cycles. The products and services included were thoroughly selected. Accessibility obligations affect only new products placed in the market after the application of the Directive and for services provided from that date on.

Common objectives and general rules are set, but the definition on how to achieve those objectives, taking into account national circumstances, is left to the discretion of Member States. Hence the accessibility requirements being only defined at functional level.

The proportionality of the obligations has been carefully considered and is reflected for example in the light conformity assessment (self-declaration) and market surveillance chosen procedures. They are based on those normally used in internal market harmonisation legislation. 29 The compliance costs for manufacturers, service providers and public administrations have been assessed. The analysis concluded that the benefits of harmonisation mostly outweigh these costs.

In addition and in line with the think small first principle, safeguard clauses are introduced to protect economic operators from carrying a disproportionate burden or avoiding (the costs imposed by) the fundamental alteration of their products and services. These clauses take into account inter alia the size, resources and nature of the economic operators concerned. In line with Commission policy, a full exemption for microenterprises was considered but discarded in favour of the above mentioned clauses as these will better target the actual population of economic operators for which burdens may, in individual well justified cases, potentially be disproportionate relative to benefits. The clauses in question also allow for a better control of the overall impact of these safeguards on the achievement of the objectives of the legislation.

3.4.Impact on fundamental rights

The proposal below would have a positive impact on several rights recognised in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Such an EU initiative would directly or indirectly facilitate the exercise of the following rights: the right to human dignity (Article 1), the right to integrity of the person (Article 3), the right to education (Article 14), the right to choose an occupation and the right to engage in work (Article 15), the rights of the elderly (Article 25), the right to integration of persons with disabilities (Article 26), and the right to freedom of movement and residence (Article 45).

Regarding economic operators, this proposal would have a mixed impact on rights such as the freedom to conduct a business (Article 16) and the right to property (Article 17). First and foremost, by increasing the potential of the internal market through the elimination of obstacles to trade, the initiative would be beneficial for the exercise of those two rights. In some cases the initiative could also entail a limited restriction to the exercise of those rights with the adoption of new rules in some Member States. However, the restrictions resulting from these new rules would be justified and proportional and would result in an increase of the potential for intra-EU trade, from which the economic operators themselves could benefit. The new rules would also be justified with a view to promoting other fundamental rights, such as those mentioned above.


The proposed Directive will provide for a common EU definition and implementation framework for accessibility requirements of certain products and services. The elements of the proposed Directive can be summarised as follows:



The proposed Directive will:

– Harmonise accessibility requirements for a list of products and services; and

– Use the same accessibility requirements to define and give content to the – already existing, but undefined – obligation of accessibility laid down in EU law, such as in the area of Public Procurement and the Structural and Investment Funds. The scope of application is the one of their respective legal instruments, which is not modified by this proposed Directive.


Accessibility requirements and free movement

The proposed Directive will improve the functioning of the internal market by removing barriers created by divergent national legislation with harmonised compulsory accessibility requirements for a list of products and services. The list results from a screening, based on several external public and internal consultations, on the needs of the industry and people with disabilities, on an expert survey on accessibility legislation and their enforcement in 27 Member States as well as on the analysis of current national legislative divergences in nine EU Member States covering about 80% of the EU GDP and 77% of the EU population.

It ensures that all products and services complying with the accessibility requirements will benefit from free circulation on the internal market.

It supports industry to address accessibility by using the same functional accessibility requirements to render operational the obligation to buy/fund accessible products and services as laid down in EU law.

Safeguard clauses have been included.


Implementation by the Member States

• The proposed Directive harmonises accessibility requirements at EU level for a number of products and services and removes barriers for their free circulation;

• It does not prescribe in detail how the obligation to render a product or service accessible by complying with the defined accessibility requirements has to be achieved in practice. In case this still leads to obstacles in the internal market, the Commission can consider other options in the future to provide guidance to Member States such as standardisation or implementing measures;

• The Directive includes the possibility of using voluntary harmonised standards to provide presumption of conformity with the accessibility requirements;

• In order to secure proper implementation and enforcement of accessibility, the Directive makes use of light conformity assessment (self-declaration) and existing market surveillance mechanisms to assess compliance of products with accessibility requirements. It also provides a lighter procedure for checking compliance of services;

• The Directive sets out the date of entry into force of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by two years after its entry into force at the latest;

• The Directive requires Member States to set the application of all measures, including the free circulation of products and services and those prescribed in Article 3, by six years after the entry into force of the Directive;

• The deadline for the application of the measures in Chapter VI – on defining accessibility by reference to the requirements of this Directive in the cases where EU law puts obligations on accessibility without further containing definitions or specification - is six years after the entry into force of the Directive.


Explanatory documents

The Commission considers that in this particular case it is justified to ask Member States to communicate explanatory documents to the Commission in order to clarify the relationship between the provisions of this Directive and the corresponding parts of national transposition documents.

– National legislation and its implementation in the field of accessibility is challenging due to the great variation of the legal traditions in the different Member States, for example some Member States regulate accessibility under anti-discrimination law, others under disability law, others under sector-specific legal instruments. In addition, this Directive covers accessibility requirements for a selected list of products and services. It therefore contains a wide variety of legal obligations.

– The Directive's implementation will require the amendment of various branches of the national legal order in the Member States. Its provisions will be transposed through amendments to national rules, laws, regulations and administrative provisions. It is likely that the implementation will not only concern the central/national level of legislation in the Member States, but touch different levels of regional and local legislation. The transposition at national level is therefore indeed expected to be scattered throughout the national legal order.

For these reasons the Commission considers that explanatory documents accompanying the notification of transposition measures will be essential to understand fully the national transposition process. Against this background it is proportionate to ask Member States to take on the administrative burden of providing explanatory documents in order to achieve the objective of putting the Commission in a position to carry out its task of overseeing the transposition of this cross-cutting Directive, which is central to the EU measures on accessibility.


How will the system work?

• The proposed Directive will prevent and dismantle existing obstacles in the internal market due to divergent national legislation. As a consequence, it will guide Member States' compliance with the UNCRPD in what concerns accessibility.

When entering into force, the harmonisation of accessibility in the EU will be at the level of functional accessibility requirements, namely, general principles based on a 'design for all' approach, and not at detailed technical level. This level would be sufficient to ensure the good functioning of the internal market for the products and services covered.

However, the Directive also caters for situations where further detailed harmonisation for some products and services would be needed or where industry needs more detail and guidance to facilitate their conformity. The Directive provides for a number of options in this case: the use of voluntary harmonised standards and, in the absence of harmonised standards, the use of implementing acts to further define the accessibility requirements included. Typically these options would be used only after a reasonable period of application of the Directive, and would depend on the market's/consumers' proved need for further harmonisation and would be based on evidence of either market or regulatory failures.

The possibility to request the development of European standards in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 is an established way of further detailing legal requirements given in EU Internal market legislation. Those harmonised standards will contain technical details on 'How' to make products and services accessible. Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 also regulates transparency and inclusiveness of the standardisation process leading to adoption of requested standards.

Application of harmonised standards will remain voluntary. However, when using harmonised standards, the references of which have been published in the Official Journal, there is a presumption of conformity that the accessibility requirements of the Directive covered by those standards or parts thereof have been complied with, allowing the free circulation of these products and services in the EU internal market. Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 also provides for the procedures for objections to harmonised standards where those standards do not entirely satisfy the accessibility requirements set out in this Directive.

• The proposed Directive will support industry to address accessibility by using the same functional accessibility requirements to define accessibility obligation laid down in EU law, such as the obligation for Member States to buy/fund accessible products and services enshrined in the revised Public Procurement Directives.


Implementing powers and final provisions

• Implementing powers will be used when there is a need to provide for uniform conditions for implementation of the obligations of this Directive.

• The Commission shall be assisted by a committee as described in Regulation (EU) No 182/2011. References are made to the examination procedures that are distinctively applied under the articles of this Directive.

A review shall be carried out of the application of this Directive within five years from its application.


The proposal has very limited budgetary implications. The only operational costs relate to the preparation of the report on the application of this Directive, i.e. operational appropriation of €0.2 million under existing budget line, as well as administrative expenditure of around €0,182 million per year after the adoption of the Directive for running the related committee meetings. This expenditure will be borne by internal redeployment and not entail an increase in the funds.