Legal provisions of COM(2021)104 - Proposal for a COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION granting temporary support under Regulation 2020/672 to Estonia to mitigate unemployment risks in the emergency following COVID-19

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Article 1

Estonia fulfils the conditions set out in Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2020/672.

Article 2

1. The Union shall make available to Estonia a loan amounting to a maximum of EUR 230 000 000. The loan shall have a maximum average maturity of 15 years.

2. The availability period for financial assistance granted by this Decision shall be 18 months starting from the first day after this Decision has taken effect.

3. The Union financial assistance shall be made available by the Commission to Estonia in a maximum of eight instalments. An instalment may be disbursed in one or several tranches. The maturities of the tranches under the first instalment may be longer than the maximum average maturity referred to in paragraph 1. In such cases, the maturities of further tranches shall be set so that the maximum average maturity referred to in paragraph 1 is respected once all instalments have been disbursed.

4. The first instalment shall be released subject to the entry into force of the loan agreement provided for in Article 8(2) of Regulation (EU) 2020/672.

5. Estonia shall pay the cost of the funding of the Union referred to in Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2020/672 for each instalment plus any fees, costs and expenses of the Union resulting from any funding related to the loan granted under paragraph 1 of this Article.

6. The Commission shall decide on the size and release of instalments, as well as on the size of the tranches.

Article 3

Estonia may finance the following measures:

(a)a short-term labour market scheme for the preservation of jobs, as provided for in Government Regulation No 130 ‘Tööhõiveprogramm 2017–2020’ of 17 November 2016, as amended in 2020;

(b)an allowance for the preservation of income for parents who, during the emergency situation, have had to suspend work to take care of their children with special educational needs, as provided for by Government Regulation No 26 ‘Erivajadusega lapse vanema toetuse saamise ja maksmise tingimused ning toetuse arvutamise alused’ of 9 April 2020;

(c)a short-term scheme for freelance artists, sports coaches and heads of choirs and dance groups, as provided for in Minister of Culture Regulation No 7 ‘COVID-19 haigust põhjustava koroonaviiruse levikuga seotud kriisi leevendamiseks ette nähtud toetusmeede laulu- ja tantsupeo liikumises osalevatele kollektiividele’ of 30 April 2020 and Minister of Culture Regulations No 9 ‘COVID-19 puhangust tingitud erakorraline abi kultuuri-ja spordivaldkonnale’ of 30 April 2020 and ‘Treeneri tööjõukulu toetuse määramise tingimused, sealhulgas nõuded spordialaliidule, spordiklubile ja spordikoolile ning selle omaosalusele, treeningrühmale ja treenerile, ning toetuse suuruse, jaotamise, tagasimaksmise ja tagasinõudmise kord’ of 26 November 2014, as amended in 2020;

(d)a health related measure, which allowed government purchases of personal protective equipment, additional general supplies and consumables, as provided for in the Parliament Act ‘Riigi 2020. aasta lisaeelarve seadus’ of 15 April 2020;

(e)a short-term support scheme for hospitals to compensate for costs of hiring temporary staff for COVID-19 units and intensive care units, and paying for extended working hours for doctors, nurses and other staff, as provided for in Government Regulation No 28 ‘Eriolukorras Eesti Haigekassa kaudu hüvitiste ja teenuste eest maksmise tingimused ja kord’ of 23 April 2020;

(f)a compensation for employees for the first three days of sick leave, as provided for in Government Regulation No 28 ‘Eriolukorras Eesti Haigekassa kaudu hüvitiste ja teenuste eest maksmise tingimused ja kord’ of 23 April 2020.

Article 4

This Decision is addressed to the Republic of Estonia.

This Decision shall take effect on the date of its notification to the addressee.

Article 5

This Decision shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.